Showing 1 - 6 of 6 Results
Germans in New Jersey : A History by T. Lubrecht, Peter ISBN: 9781626190542 List Price: $19.99
New Jersey Butterfly Boys in the Civil War: The Hussars of the Union Army by Lubrecht, Peter T. ISBN: 9781609491321 List Price: $19.99
New Jersey Hessians : Truth and Lore in the American Revolution by Lubrecht, Peter T. ISBN: 9781467118101 List Price: $21.99
New Jersey Hessians: Truth and Lore in the American Revolution by Peter T Lubrecht ISBN: 9781540201416 List Price: $27.99
New Jersey Butterfly Boys in the Civil War: The Hussars of the Union Army by Lubrecht, Peter T., Peter T... ISBN: 9781540224460 List Price: $29.99